Scott Takes on KFC’s New Double Down Sandwich

Giving in to the hype of being an egregiously unhealthy menu item, my buddy John Nemec and I couldn’t resist and we each grabbed one of KFC’s Double Down Sandwiches for lunch yesterday, which also happened to be the first day of it’s chainwide releases. He videoed me while I gave my first impressions:

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, Kentucky Fried Chicken basically took a sandwich with pepper jack cheese, bacon and the “Colonel’s Sauce” and replaced the top and bottom buns with friend, breaded chicken breasts (grilled chicken breasts can be substituted).

Sounds decedent? Sounds like it would instantly clog your arteries? Well, it’s by no means healthy eating and I wouldn’t advocate scarfing one of these down on a regular basis, but it’s actually better for you than other fast food monstrosities:

KFC Original Recipe Double Down:

540 calories, 32 g fat, 1,380 mg sodium

McDonald’s Angus Bacon and Cheese Burger:

790 calories, 39 g fat, 2,070 mg sodium

Burger King Quad Stacker:

930 calories, 65 g fat, 1,740 mg sodium

As you can see in the video, just eating it plain wouldn’t do (I wasn’t impressed by the Colonel’s sauce). I tried All Spice Cafe‘s Jolokia Ghost Pepper Sauce, Defcon‘s Defense Condition 2 Wing Sauce and CaJohn‘s Mongoose Extract Sauce to see if they would perk up the sandwich.

One thought on “Scott Takes on KFC’s New Double Down Sandwich

  • April 13, 2010 at 9:52 am

    That was cool, Its always entertaining to watch someone eat in a video! Scott ya had to know Defcon was going to go well with that meat puck…lol
    Cajohns Mongoose is 2-3 million? I was told that Defcon Zero was about that. Do you think they’re the same? I know how much Zero I got on the end of my little straw in NM and unlike the Mongoose, I wouldn’t try a full spoon at once.

    I certainly didn’t think you were going to give it a 3.5 either. Looked like a 2 star to me!

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