Grillmasters 2010: CaJohn & Chef Steve

When I got to the first demo of the event it was all ready under way. Once I sat down to film what was happening, CaJohn told interviewer/host Jason to ask me about barbecue. The next thing I know CaJohn is behind the camera and I am in front of it. As you will learn, do not ask me anything unless you are prepared for multiple stories. In any case, the breakfast meal that CaJohn and Chef Steve prepare is a Cinnamon Tostada with grilled fruit and vegetables. It was quite good, and a nice start to this event.

I encourage you all to visit to see this and many more of CaJohn’s spicy recipes. Try them out and tell CaJohn on the website what you think. Put it on a video, and I will post it up here.

4 thoughts on “Grillmasters 2010: CaJohn & Chef Steve

  • June 6, 2010 at 8:28 am

    What states am I most aped to find spicier (hot) BBQ?

    I wonder if he was bummed that after all that you never answered the question…lol

  • June 6, 2010 at 10:13 am

    The answer is the Southwest: Texas, NM, AZ, MS, AL & Louisiana…also Cross Junction, VA…

  • June 6, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    Cajohn your camera skills are excellent!

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