Grillmasters: CaJohn’s Grilled Chili & Bananas
The last of the Grillmaster’s videos. We have Columbus TV personality, CaJohn showing off his grill chops with 2 recipes he never attempted before. The first is a grilled chili, where he grills all the ingredients, and adds them to a beef broth that is a site for the eyes to behold, and even better on the tastebuds. Then he offers a dessert with grilled bananas. Yes, grilled bananas. You got to see it to believe it!
You can find this recipe and more at
those grilled bananas were awesome tasting.
the grilled chili was quite good too!
I wanna be Cajohn when I grow up. :_bananadance:
You have to give up the skateboard…
Hmm…I would think they would be really sweet with all that condensed milk poured on…
They were certainly not overly sweet. It was really good.
they were sweet! that’s what made them so good!
God, you talk about a chunky looking chili. It almost looks like a beef stew. It still looks pretty damn good. :_thumbsup:
Yes, it was a bit too chunky. I had to try to do it all and in the essence of time I pretty much hacked it up. If Steve was there with his knife skills it would have been a much prettier presentation. It indeed was more of a stew consistency.
I’ve never tried to make a chili with a beef broth base, it’s always a tomato sauce base.
It was meant to be a little lighter for the summer. There are a lot of people who think chili is for the winter months only. I think the flavor of chili is a year round must! So this was for those “seasonal” chili eaters.
Thomas, you’d be surprised at what the ICS and CASI chili cook-off folks put in their chili.