NOLA SHOW REVIEW- Ass Burn Hot Sauce

Another on the spot review from the NOLA Hot Sauce & Gourmet Foods Show. This time we have Big Daddy’s Ass Burn Hot Sauce from Houston, TX. They share 4 of their most popular hot sauces- Original Ass Burn, Amplified Heat Mean Smokin’ Green, High on Fire, and The Flaming Lips. My opinion is much like the comments made in the video for their Ass Burn original hot sauce about it’s texture. It was too chewy for me, but on food it might be better. With that negative, I thought this sauce was one of the most flavorable ones at the show. I know this much because I was a judge for the NOLA awards, and flavorwise it garnered some of the highest scores in the competition. If it wasn’t for it’s texture, it would have won. I hope they rethink this product or put out a remake.

I also enjoyed the Flaming Lips hot sauce. Even with the strong black pepper taste, it was a very nicely blended sauce. There is pineapple in the ingredients, but I did not notice the flavor at all. I also love their company tag line: “Hell Goin’ In, Hell Goin’ Out”.

See what our review team of Butch Taylor and Eric Grant had to say about their flavors.

Big Daddy’s Ass Burn Hot Sauce

Big Daddy Trevi Biles
519 Railey
Houston, TX 77009


2 thoughts on “NOLA SHOW REVIEW- Ass Burn Hot Sauce

  • July 9, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    LOVE the tag line…that’s just priceless! LOL! (Logo’s funny as hell too!)

  • July 10, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    I loved all of these sauces!! Brought 2 bottles of the Flaming Lips home from the show…. and they are an awesome crew!

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