WoF 2010 Blogger’s Round Table
Thanks goes out to www.hotsauceweekly.com for doing this podcast and allowing me to film it. The Blogger’s round table basically was a gathering of different chile blog reviewers and web hosts to talk about different things involving the love of things that are spicy. It was held at the 2010 Weekend of Fire(WoF) at Jungle Jim’s Int’l Market in Fairfield, Ohio. The show is a huge fiery food event, and perhaps the biggest gathering of blogs than any show in the country. This round table might be a yearly happening based on the fun we had in doing it.
It was too long to post the whole thing, so we chopped it into 3 videos for your viewing pleasure. We have Brian and Marilyn of www.HotSauceWeekly.com orchestrating the round table with prepared questions. Around the table we have Joe Levinson and Jon Passow of www.thehotzoneonline.com, Scott Roberts of www.ScottRobertsweb.com and here of course, as well as Firehead Thomas and myself. The podcast has been up a week on the HSW, so if you wish to download and listen to it on your ipod, ipad, itouch, idon’tknow, then go to their website and get it there. You can also subscribe to future podcasts if you wish to as well.
I think the questions asked give you a look instead the reviewers’ world, and you should get something out of the various responses. I had a good time listening and answering the questions. We also got to discuss some other things off camera, such as a universal rating system between a few of the chile blogs. Although, there are some things that need to be worked out, I think in the end we can agree it is a great idea that needs to be presented to our chile public in the near future. More on that soon.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
very interesting – have been waiting to see this since I first read about it – some great in-site
hopefully the round table will become a somewhat regular feature after the major shows
might I suggest that each of you post on your respective sites before the next show and ask for suggestions from your readers for possible questions for the round table – might get some interesting questions that way
We’re all alot prettier on radio:)
Mark, that’s a great idea. Believe me though, we just barely scratched the surface on what we wanted to talk about. Brian’s recorder only had memory for around 40 minutes of talk time, and we could have easily gone on for two hours if not for that. I wanted to get into marketing, labeling, hot sauce shows, how we run and promote our blogs, how we got into fiery foods to begin with, what the future may hold for the industry, and more.
Buddah mentions that this might be a yearly happening, but I certainly hope it’s more often than that. Although nothing has been officially planned for the follow-up round table, both Brian and I have mentioned doing something over the phone and Skype (he, Marilyn and I have already done this for previous Hot Sauce Weekly episodes). I can also see smaller round table recordings being made at shows like Zest Fest and The Fiery Foods Show, depending on who attends.
Great job Buddah and everyone!!!
I have Skype, waiting for your call. I wish I could’ve been there. I can also help to alleviate the backlog for those of you that are swamped.
I agree with Scott, excellent idea. We can definitely field questions beforehand and submit them to HSW. Not sure how frequent we can do these on video, but if I am there I am ready to do it. If Brian & Marillyn go to Bowers there is potential for Doug of peppersandmore and myself for starters.
You are there to make me look better, look prettier.
We can definitely do one at the FFS next year.
Thank you too, my backup camera man. :photographer:
We are planning to get to Bowers Chili Pepper Festival Sept 10th & 11th. We should shoot/record something there.
Hi Art – add HotSauceDaily to your contact list in Skype and shoot me a “hello” … and any other Chilehead, please do the same! ~brian
I talked to Doug about it, and he is cool with it. So all we need is the place to do it at. Are you staying over Friday and Saturday, because I was only planning on coming for Friday?
Thanks for posting this, Buddah.
Your little camera does a great job!
(I bet ALL the girls say that! Giggle.)
LoL, it’s good to be credited. I saw you needed some assistance and am always happy to help 😉
And that is a tough job….
I had to hire 4 people just to help me with that….
Thanks for mentioning peppersandmore, I just went over there and they have a ton of great wing sauce reviews. Another hot sauce blog for me to conquer, ha ha. :_caffeine: