Gunther’s Gourmet Gala 2011

Here are some pics I took from this little event at the Gunther’s Gourmet warehouse in Richmond, VA. A big thanks go out to Michael Lampros and his brother Nick for putting on a nice shindig full of food and entertainment. I interviewed Michael at the end of the event to get his take on the festivities, and then I loaded up the pics at the end as a slideshow, but you can see them below as well. It was a fun time, and I hope the vendors did well.

There are 2 versions of this video. This is the music-enhanced version. Sometimes YouTube has copyright issues with the music and they might not work on wireless devices. So if the music one doesn’t work, then try the music-less version: CLICK HERE

2 thoughts on “Gunther’s Gourmet Gala 2011

  • May 3, 2011 at 11:35 am

    Thanks for making the trip to our little party, sorry I did not have more time to hang out with you. I think it went well for a first time event. As always there are some rough edges to smooth out, but I think that enough vendors and guest enjoyed it, so we will probably do it again. Thanks and I look forward to some of the on site reviews you did.

  • May 3, 2011 at 10:49 pm


    It was a total blast, and I understand how busy you were. I look forward to attending the next one. :_toastbeer:

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