UCCFS: Ice Cream vs Fruit Salad Round 1
This is almost the good vs evil of comfort food match-ups. Fruit Salad is so pure, natural and innocent as it compares to the additives you find in food today. You have a cornucopia of fruit choices to make a fresh combination to suit your palate. Then we turn to the evil side…ice cream. So many flavors, so many toppings, you can scoop it into an edible bowl, mix it into a shake, but the most downright evil side to it is that you can top it off or mix it with fruit too. Corrupting the innocence of the fruit to serve it’s evil purpose. This is why ice cream is a 5 seed and fruit salad a mere 12 seed.
What do you find more comforting? I think I know the answer. :_dancingdevil:
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gotta go with the ice cream on this one, but I have no problem putting fruit on it.
ice cream vs. fruit? really? I did put Wicked Cactus Nola Berry on my strawberry ice cream. It was made with blackberries and pears in it and so the ice cream was strawberry! that’s healthy….right?!?! LOL
Blow out, not even a race here. Evil has one again! 😈
It would have been more of a blow out if ice cream were up against fruit cake!