Feast Your Eyes on This Spicy Cooking Challenge 2012: Round 6

A big thanks to Heartbreaking Dawns for their contribution to Round 5, as they will ship the winner a $50 cash card and an assortment of HBD’s finest curiosities. Please check out their new product line Bell River Brand Sauces…The Anytime Sauce! Everyone can use the code “feast” thru April 30th for 25% off anything they like from the Heartbreaking Dawns’ website.

Round 6 is brought to by Gunther’s Gourmet Gala. Not just an event to attend, but a collaboration of small businesses sharing their wholesale and retail customers with each other in a laid back friendly atmosphere. Vendors of all kinds attend, and not just spicy products. There is something for every taste, and Michael Lampros who is our guest judge this week, and the man behind Gunther’s Gourmet Gala makes sure everyone leaves with a full belly full of FREE wings and complimentary liquid refreshment to put a smile on everyone’s face. It is held at the Gunther’s Gourmet Castle in Richmond, Virginia on May 5th. If you are on the East Coast & not too far off, you can contact Michael at 804-240-1796 or email him at


for details. Chileheads, vendors and buyers are all welcome to attend, but it is a private invite first event. I look forward to see you all there, along with the Schobergs who will be making this their first attended chilehead event.

Intro Videos can be seen HERE
Chris Bintz of Wicked Cactus Sauces
Shauna Jellsey of TATS Sauces & Marinades
Jeff Porter of the Chile Spot
Crazy Steve Zielinski of Crazy Steve’s Pickles & Salsa

Round 1: Comfort Food Battle Videos
Round 2: Potato Challenge Videos
Round 3: Stuffed Challenge Videos
Round 4: Texas Challenge
Round 5: Kabob Challenge

The overall winner of Feast Your Eyes on This Spicy Cooking Challenge will receive a free vendor’s booth from the Houston Hot Sauce Show & the NOLA Hot Sauce & Gourmet Show. 2nd place prize is $150 & 3rd place is $100. We would like to thank 3 contributors to those prizes- Race City Sauce Works, Texas Creek Products & EatMoreHeat. A special thanks also to Endorphin Farms for their huge contribution to the Spicy Tropical Condiment Challenge. We thank all our sponsors for their contributions to this spicy cooking challenge. Without them we would have no contest.

Once again I am sorry for the unedited version of this video, but my computer will not let me do much right now. I need to get it fixed. On with the competition…


10 thoughts on “Feast Your Eyes on This Spicy Cooking Challenge 2012: Round 6

  • April 11, 2012 at 10:48 am

    Buddah, Chris didn’t make rabbit, he made pheasant….Jeff made rabbit.

  • April 11, 2012 at 11:06 am

    I said Chris? My bad. Sorry about that. After 5 takes I barely know what I said.

  • April 11, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    My favorite kabob of all was Shauna’s Bison Wellington…I am going to make that! What a cool idea!

  • April 11, 2012 at 11:57 pm

    Alright, Annabelle and I are adding $50 to the 2nd place winner.

  • April 12, 2012 at 3:41 am

    Thank you very much Tom. I appreciate Annabelle and your donation to the cooking challenge. It is very thoughtful.

  • April 12, 2012 at 7:48 am

    I had a great time participating, made some amazing spicy dishes and brought alot of our fans along for the ride. Shauna, Chris and Steve are amazing competitors and it will surely be a great finish – congrats to all of you. Thanks for the opportunity Buddah and thanks to the judges for their time. In the end, for me the editing was brutal and became my achiles heal – loved the cooking and creativity, hated the editing. Cheers!

  • April 13, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    You did a great job Jeff. Thank you so much for being a part of it.

  • April 13, 2012 at 10:12 pm

    I forget to mention in the video that there is no bonus going into the last round, just the $50 cash card prize from the Gunther’s Gourmet Gala.

  • April 13, 2012 at 11:03 pm

    It looks like I got my editing woes behind me. The video as it should have appeared has replaced the old one. Same results though.

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