For those of you seeing the Tell Me Something I Didn’t Know posting for the first time, it is a segment where I highlight a product not being talked about, but it is so good that we should be. It is a chance to put the spotlight on a great product and help get the company some sales with your support. Show ’em some love my Chilehead Brethren! If you have a sauce we need to know please shout it out to the world in our comments area.

PART 1- Cheater 5′s Shreddin’ Serrano
PART 2- Chef Dean Martin’s Asian BBQ Sauce & Marinade

For our 3rd segment I want to talk about Rising Sun Pepper Farm’s 3 Pepper Garlic Hot Sauce. I have bought a lot of bottles of this hot sauce since discovering them at the 1st Peppers at the Beach event. The strange thing about buying this hot sauce is that I NEVER use it as a typical hot sauce. Hell no! I use it for their AWESOME, SPECTACULAR, TANGY, and DELICIOUS, GARLIC BEER DIP RECIPE!!! Sorry for the all the caps, but this dip is the discovery of a life time. I have made this dip for friends, poker games, charity events, parties and for work. I serve it up with Wheat Thins crackers and it does not last long folks. There slogan, “KICK UP THE YUM YUM” might be too cheesy, but it is oh so true. I have made this dip with different beers each time and it has never let me down once. Here is their Garlic Beer Dip recipe:

2- 8 oz cream cheese
2 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix
4 oz (1/2 cup) of 3 Pepper Garlic Hot Sauce
1/2 cup of beer
Mix the cream cheese, the cheddar cheese and the ranch dip mix together, then stir in the beer and hot sauce. Top with cheddar and green onion(optional). Refrigerate to chill.

I even included the May 2010 review at the Peppers at the Beach Show followed by the taste testing of my first making of the Garlic Beer Dip with my buddy and official ILIS cartoonist Sean Boley…

Rising Sun Pepper Farm LLC
409 Pearl Box 31
Rising Sun, MD 21911
Annette Moore, President

One thought on “TELL ME SOMETHING I DIDN’T KNOW Part 3

  • July 20, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Miller light? lol

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