September 2012 Fireside Chat

The Fireside Chat is our version of the olde fashion off-topic thread. When something does not fit one of the other threads you are free to come here and talk it up. Feel free to ask questions, post pics, talk about the latest developments in fiber optics, what taste better with your Ecuadorian Eel Pot Pie – Chipotle Glazed Mini-Corn or Thai Mint Kiwi Chutney? Talk it up. Bring friends, family, and co-workers! We have 1 big rule here and that is to not make personal attacks on another poster. It will not be tolerated and we will remove parties that engage with malicious intent. This here blog is meant to be a place of fun; to share our common love of all things spicy. So play like good chileheads.

2 thoughts on “September 2012 Fireside Chat

  • September 1, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    I sure as hell wouldn’t go with the Vikings…P.U.

  • September 3, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    I wouldnt either, but I do like the christmas theme of the cartoon.

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