2013 Fiery Food Weekend – Day 1 Pics
The day started with the Great Spicy Chicken Salad Challenge in which we received 9 Vendor recipes and had roughly 25 judges. Congrats to Chad Lowcock for his Asian Fusion version and taking home the Angry Golden Cock trophy. From there came the amateur guacamole and hot sauce events in which yours truly was 1 of the judges. Then we moved onto the eating events – HBD’s Scorn Bread Challenge, Race City Sauce Works’ Schweaty Samballs & then finally the Jalapeno eating contest. I filmed the scorn bread and Samball contests to be seen sooner than later.
Once we were done with Day 1 of the show, we went to the Fiery Asian Dinner for some great & spicy food, although the heat was barely noticeable with all but one dish. Good food with good people. Day 2 will involve Volcanic Peppers’ Husker Popcorn Balls from Hell, the Amateur salsa contest and end up with the great wing eating contest. So far so good. Enjoy the pics.
I think if The Machine is gonna wear that shirt, he needs to croon a few tunes for us.