May 2013 Fireside Chat
We at try to give you so many things to talk about, but sometimes there isn’t a place in these daily threads for other discussions that might arise. That is why we created the Fireside Chat to be the place where people come to talk about the off-topics that do not fit our regular threads we post. Feel free to come here and talk about your chile pepper garden, the next great spicy Caribbean jerk sauce or your delicious recipe for Spicy Greek Grits. Talk it up. Bring friends, family, and co-workers! We have 1 big rule here and that is to not make personal attacks or bully anyone. It will not be tolerated and we will remove parties that engage with malicious intent. This here blog is meant to be a place of fun and to share our common love of all things spicy. So play like good chileheads.
man, it’s May already! Time’s fun when you’re having flies!
What do you call a fly with no wings? A Walk.
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.