Memorial Day: We Will Never Forget
I found this wonderful Memorial Day tribute, and wanted to share it with you. Memorial Day is often thought of as the beginning of the BBQ season, the opening of the beaches, the start of warmer weather, but many of us get lost in our own personal lives and forget the real meaning why we celebrate this day. So many men and women sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom and secure our borders. They fought with us and along side us, with our colors and with the colors of our allies. We take for granted all the things we have and can’t truly comprehend all the souls that were lost to give us our way of life. Today, Memorial Day, we remember all those that gave their lives for us. We honor their memory with our praise and prayers. Thank you is not nearly enough, but it is the least we can do today. So don’t just think about the number of brats you need on the grill or whether or not you want to add potato salad and cole slaw for your festivity or how much sunscreen you need. Think about our brave soldiers that gave their lives for you.
Thanks to Sarah Eubanks for creating such a great tribute video.
Very nicely said Al Happy Memorial Day to all say a prayer for our troops and enjoy your BBQ after all they do go hand in hand