REVIEW – Chiligods: Green Pepper Sauce



Chiligods™  “The Inter­na­tional Ambas­sadors of all things Hot & Spicy.”

We are also affec­tion­ately referred to as the:

  • Sul­tans of Sauce
  • Mas­ters of Marinade
  • Wizards of Wok
  • Avatars of Spice
  • Head Hon­chos of Heat
  • B.B.Q. Extraordinaire

with one love for all peo­ple and crea­tures on our planet.

The foun­da­tion of our             phi­los­o­phy is to pro­duce award-winning all nat­ural       prod­ucts while nour­ish­ing the needs of oth­ers less for­tu­nate. Our bold mis­sion is to rally to the defense of the under priv­i­leged by bring­ing their plights to a higher con­scious level in our com­mu­nity through our char­i­ta­ble works.

We invite you to come join us and sup­port our eclec­tic band of coura­geous dis­ci­ples as we       con­tinue our valiant cru­sade on to a global level.

Our cre­ations are delight­fully deli­cious, and we will never stop pro­fess­ing our true love for the chile pep­per and all of her amaz­ing pow­ers and mag­i­cal talents.

Frank Yates Bio:

Frank Yates grew up in San Francisco, California back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. When Frank was a new born his mother and grand mother knew that he was a deep thinker with an amazing imagination. They said that he was gifted and special. They knew that he was going to be a great creator, inventor and writer just from looking into his little baby green eyes. Frank is a direct descendant of famous Irish novelist and poet, James Joyce.
As a baby, Frank was known to hum while enjoying his meals in his high chair. As a child a young Frank was fascinated with experimenting in the kitchen. In those days Tabasco and Taco Bell hot sauce were pretty much his only options, so when his family would go to Taco Bell Frank would always grab extra Taco Bell hot sauce packets so that he could add a little heat and flavor to his favorite creations.
As a young adult Frank attended Chico State University. On many occasions Frank would cook for his roommates after a long night of drinking with whatever ingredients were available. The next morning his then sober roommates would ask what he had cooked because it was so unusual, yet delicious. When Frank would say I don’t remember? His roommate would always exclaim that, “Whatever it was, it sure was good!”

    After college, Frank worked as a Financial Planner and in the Real Estate industry. He became restless and board. With a great passion for music, sports, food and entertainment, Frank decided to get back into the kitchen and create delicious sauces with a little added heat to enhance the favor. Frank was laughed at and basically shunned at the Fiery Food Show in 1995. Back then the attitude was the hotter the better. Frank was just ahead of his time.

     Today Frank is having huge success as the International Ambassador of all Things Hot & Spicy. His sauce profiles are savory, sweet and tangy with a heat levels safe for just about everyone. His concepts are final recognized and appreciated by the masses. We look forward to future products and our taste buds are so happy that Frank never gave up.

We have two reviews for Chiligods. The first of which is the green pepper sauce. Our reviewrers for these sauces are The Gregger, Dale Gilbert, & The Machine.

The Gregger

Dale Gilbert

The Machine


1083 Vine St Suite 314
Healdsburg, California

One thought on “REVIEW – Chiligods: Green Pepper Sauce

  • February 16, 2015 at 3:53 pm

    Whoah….The Machine has hair!

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