REVIEWS:Chiligods – Red Pepper Sauce



Chiligods™  “The Inter­na­tional Ambas­sadors of all things Hot & Spicy.”

We are also affec­tion­ately referred to as the:

  • Sul­tans of Sauce
  • Mas­ters of Marinade
  • Wizards of Wok
  • Avatars of Spice
  • Head Hon­chos of Heat
  • B.B.Q. Extraordinaire

with one love for all peo­ple and crea­tures on our planet.

The foun­da­tion of our             phi­los­o­phy is to pro­duce award-winning all nat­ural       prod­ucts while nour­ish­ing the needs of oth­ers less for­tu­nate. Our bold mis­sion is to rally to the defense of the under priv­i­leged by bring­ing their plights to a higher con­scious level in our com­mu­nity through our char­i­ta­ble works.

We invite you to come join us and sup­port our eclec­tic band of coura­geous dis­ci­ples as we       con­tinue our valiant cru­sade on to a global level.

Our cre­ations are delight­fully deli­cious, and we will never stop pro­fess­ing our true love for the chile pep­per and all of her amaz­ing pow­ers and mag­i­cal talents.


We have two reviews for Chiligods. The second of which is the red pepper sauce. Our reviewrers for these sauces are The Gregger, Dale Gilbert, & The Machine.

Dale Gilbert

The Machine

The Gregger

1083 Vine St Suite 314
Healdsburg, California



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