We all make goals for the New Year, and although I do not know the percentages, most of them fail. Last year, my lofty weight loss resolution lasted through my vacation and 4 hot sauce events in 4 different cities, plus a trip to NY, all to fall by the wayside Memorial Weekend. 5 months might be considered pretty good, but in the end a failure is still a failure. Sure I would like to have more control over that part of my life, as would so many others, and that is why we create these “resolutions” in the first place. They should be called “revolutions” because it is a war with a fight against our Mother Country – ourselves. We all want to overthrow the tyrant in charge and stop the miserable conditions we are in and put someone else who cares to make our lives better. You know how those campaign promises go? It all looks good, but power corrupts in the end, and the next thing you know you are worse off than when you started.
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