REVIEW: 7 Deadly Zings – Fierce Bitch

Just when you thought we were all out of the Zings, we got the Mother of All Zings (as stated on the bottle), the Fierce Bitch. This is the last of the hot sauce line that was made to play off the 7 Deadly Sins. We had some bumps in the road with a few of these reviews, but overall we had some pretty good results. This Puerto Rican company really brought some interesting flavor profiles. I want to wish the good people at Flavor Merchants, LLC the best of luck in the future for their product line. Thank you for letting us highlight your product.

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REVIEW: 7 Deadly Zings – Passionate Lust

7 Deadly Zings now in it’s 7th review, but not the last because we will have the Mother of All Zings next week to wrap up these Puerto Rican reviews for the Flavor Merchants, LLC. With each Deadly Zing, we get an increased heat level. Nothing too hot for our review team just yet, but I assure you from past experience the Mother of All Zings packs a wallop.

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