Fire Dawgs review Angels’ Fire Black Bean Chili Salsa

Angels' Fire Black Bean Chili Salsa - Jolokia

We do not have your average salsa company here. Most companies ascend to their black bean salsa recipe, and not start with it. We have some proud people at Angels’ Fire Salsa that believe in their black bean chili recipe. So much that they have 4 products and they are all black bean style with different heat levels. They sent us their salsa for our Fire Dawgs to review when they heard about our salsa contest at the Houston Hot Sauce Festival this upcoming weekend. They will of course be entering into the new black bean/black bean & corn category, and I will be one of the judges. Until that time, I will leave the critique to our salsa experts, from the Ashburn Fire & Rescue Station, Chief Miguel, Mark & Taylor. As taken from the Angels’ Fire Salsa website, let us learn a little about their company…

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