Born to Buddah Hot Sauce – Petrified Green Tomatillos
Yours truly and Born to Hula’s very own Ed Bucholtz and I got together at the Fiery Food Show and got to talking a bit. Ed was telling me about how Hurricane Sandy had laid waste to so many homes, stores, vehicles and their way of life as they knew it was turned upside down. He was quite grateful at how so many people in this community of ours rallied around him and his fiance Amy. It touched him so much that even with him still trying to get his insurance payoffs from this disaster he wanted to do something on a more global level. Ed has been a huge advocate for years at raising awareness about the ever-changing ozone layer surrounding our Mother Earth. The reason the planet has had so many temperature swings and devastating storms the last few years is because we are slowly destroying our planet with chemicals in the air we do not yet understand. We all want better and more convenient lives, but what price are we going to pay? Our future depends on us to not stand idle, but to be proactive and Ed really wanted to do something, but he did not know what. This is where Born to Buddah came in.
I told him that he could use the ILoveItSpicy platform and the Facebook Chileheads group to launch a sauce that we both can get behind that has a new and exciting flavor profile and a portion of all sales can be the mark we both desire to make in our world a better place. $1 of each bottle will go to the upstart campaign that’s dual purpose is to fund research into fixing the ozone problem and help those that have suffered the wrath of Mother Nature from natural disasters. A grass roots drive to make the world a better place that all started with April Greenhorn, a little 7 year old girl in Indiana that asked her teacher how she could help those that got hurt by Sandy. The teacher not only came back with an answer, but she got her whole class, then school involved before it got national attention. All ready from the start of 2013, they have raised a staggering $122 million and counting from people in all walks of life. Celebrities, sports stars, media, and small and big companies across the world have thrown in their support.
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