REVIEW: Big Red’s Hot Sauce – Garden Habanero

We got ourselves a hot sauce out of the Phoenix, Arizona area. The south being an ever-growing mecca for hot sauce it is always nice to see what a company can deliver that is different than all the other offerings out there. Big Red’s Hot Sauce aka Seed Time & Harvest, LLC sent us 3 products for review. Besides this Garden Habanero, we also have a Smokey Habanero and God’s Wrath Ghost Pepper Sauce. They aren’t even tinkering with the weaker chiles like the jalapeno and serrano peppers. For this review we have a couple of new reviewers making their debut with us. First we have Jerret Ulmer of whose partner John will make a separate debut at a later date. Next we have Matt Bauhaus with his own chile blog Finally we have the one and only Ken Alexander with his own blog rounding out our team.

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