Feast Your Eyes on This Spicy Cooking Challenge 2013- Contestant Videos The Finals

Round 6 The Final Contestant Videos

Here we are in week 6 of our spicy cooking contest. We started with 8 contestants and have narrowed it down to the final 3. We want to congratulate Jennifer, Mike and Kevin for making it this far. Hopefully they brought their best and will make it very hard on our judges. As you will see with the prizes listed below, everyone is guaranteed at least $100. To be totally cliche here, there can only be one winner and to the winner goes the spoils. There is a lot riding on this contest, so I went and brought back our infamous judge from the last 2 FYEOT, CaJohn Hard to complete our 6 person panel. This is a man that knows something about winning contests.

Final Challenge

We wanted to create some twists in the last round to bring out their creativity. We told our contestants to make 3 dishes that would take traditional cuisine and not only make it spicy, but would also cross over to a completely different ethnicity. So our 3 dishes are:
1- Take an American favorite and put an International spin on it;
2- Take an International Dish and put an American spin on it;
3- Lastly take a popular International favorite and put another International twist on it.
NOTE: They will have 15 minutes to create their video. Both Mike and Jennifer were each a few minutes late with their videos and the judges will subtract 1/2 point from their rules portion of their score.

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