Dale Gilbert Re-reviews Tropical Spices’ Calypso Sauce

When a company believes enough in it’s product it will go out of it’s way to prove itself. A few months back Tropical Spices, LLC did reviews with us. The one review that stuck in their craw was one by Dale Gilbert for their Calypso hot sauce. It got rave reviews from everyone that has ever tried it including our other 2 reviewers Zzombie and his son Big Daddy B as well as Bishop Brad. Their reviews netted a 4 1/2 and a 4 flaming heart review, respectively (CLICK HERE to see them).

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REVIEW: Tropical Spices – Pacific Burn Hot Sauce

This is our 3rd review for Tropical Spices. The good people behind Tropical Spices wanted us to do 2 of their sauces with a set of 3 reviewers and 1 other sauce with another set of 3. The first one was for their hottest product, Flamin’ Phantom hot sauce which you can see HERE. Next we did their Calypso Sauce which got pretty high marks from 2 of our reviewers and you can see that HERE. Now we have their Pacific Burn hot sauce which uses Thai chiles to capture a sauce made for some Asian cuisine. Our reviewers for this review are Mike & Jen, Derrick Wood & Xero.

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