While at Open Fields, I got some of the veteran chileheads to give their thoughts on why they have come there over the years, and they also answer some questions about the possibility of doing this again without a pepper field.
Buddah, Thanks. Your video brought it all back (from the distant past of 4 or 5 days ago). It was great to actually find out the names of a lot of my friends that I shared the Fields with the last couple of years. Things happened so fast and so much is shared from the start that hardly anyone seemed to need to know a lot about you at the time. Thanks for including me, hanging with my new best friends, in a little bit of the show.
Hope it isn’t the end of the road, but I am truly filled with joy at having had the experiences of the last 2 years with my Open Fields friends, whether or not it happens again.
Hey, I haven’t forgotten, I’ll be checking out Bayou when I can, I haven’t forgotten.
Peter (from south shore Long Guylant back in the day)
Peter, it was great to meet you and all the other chileheads. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I have a sense that this is not the last O.F. by a long shot. :_toastbeer:
When you check out the Bayou, let me know what you think. I am headed to NY next weekend to see the family and my long time friends, and a visit to the Bayou might be a part of it again.
Buddah, Thanks. Your video brought it all back (from the distant past of 4 or 5 days ago). It was great to actually find out the names of a lot of my friends that I shared the Fields with the last couple of years. Things happened so fast and so much is shared from the start that hardly anyone seemed to need to know a lot about you at the time. Thanks for including me, hanging with my new best friends, in a little bit of the show.
Hope it isn’t the end of the road, but I am truly filled with joy at having had the experiences of the last 2 years with my Open Fields friends, whether or not it happens again.
Hey, I haven’t forgotten, I’ll be checking out Bayou when I can, I haven’t forgotten.
Peter (from south shore Long Guylant back in the day)
Peter, it was great to meet you and all the other chileheads. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I have a sense that this is not the last O.F. by a long shot. :_toastbeer:
When you check out the Bayou, let me know what you think. I am headed to NY next weekend to see the family and my long time friends, and a visit to the Bayou might be a part of it again.