4 thoughts on “Open Fields- The Chilehead Perspective

  • October 1, 2010 at 12:54 am

    Buddah, Thanks. Your video brought it all back (from the distant past of 4 or 5 days ago). It was great to actually find out the names of a lot of my friends that I shared the Fields with the last couple of years. Things happened so fast and so much is shared from the start that hardly anyone seemed to need to know a lot about you at the time. Thanks for including me, hanging with my new best friends, in a little bit of the show.

    Hope it isn’t the end of the road, but I am truly filled with joy at having had the experiences of the last 2 years with my Open Fields friends, whether or not it happens again.

    Hey, I haven’t forgotten, I’ll be checking out Bayou when I can, I haven’t forgotten.

    Peter (from south shore Long Guylant back in the day)

  • October 1, 2010 at 5:07 am

    Peter, it was great to meet you and all the other chileheads. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I have a sense that this is not the last O.F. by a long shot. :_toastbeer:

    When you check out the Bayou, let me know what you think. I am headed to NY next weekend to see the family and my long time friends, and a visit to the Bayou might be a part of it again.

  • October 1, 2010 at 8:13 am


  • October 1, 2010 at 8:25 am


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