REVIEW: Four Sisters Fatali
Back again with another review for Four Sisters Gourmet Foods. This is 5th of 6 reviews for their Vietnamese influenced chili sauce line. We have once again Derrick Wood, Wendy the Spice Goddess and Ken Alexander. Last review with the habanero chili sauce, Wendy gave it top marks with a 5 out 5 flaming hearts, and Derrick Wood declared in the comments area that Four Sisters is “One of my very favorite companies now.” So far so good. Let us see what they think of their fatali sauce. A pepper that many people find too hot and hard to like. There are some fans of this pepper out there, so let us see if Four Sisters created any with their product.
Derrick Wood
Wendy the Spice Goddess
Ken Alexander
Four Sisters Gourmet Sauces
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Nice reviews, but I have a couple questions for the reviewers. This sounds like a puree based on the reviews. Is that the case? I know you all referred to it as a sauce, but based on the ingredients and the look at the consistency that’s what it appears to be to me. Also, can you taste any of the sweetness from the sugar, or the garlic? I am a fatalii lover so this sounds good to me.
The consistency of the fatalii product is very similar to a puree but maybe a touch thinner. It’s not a true hot sauce consistency.
As to the sweet and garlic, I wasn’t as generous with my reviews as the other reviewers partly because I found their products, including the fatalii, to be a little on the sweet side, and I thought they were a little heavy on the sugar. I did taste the garlic. I like 4 sisters, and the fatalii was my favorite of the 6 products I reviewed. I think you’ll enjoy it. Thanks for watching and supporting ILIS.
Yes, I agree. Not a true ‘sauce’ since I had to spread it with a knife. This is a bit sweet from the sugar with a hint of garlic. But I found the fruitiness of the chile to be the stand out taste. I’d check the site and if they sell these little sample bottles take the leap and check it out for yourself.