REVIEW: RisingHy’s Habanero Hot Sauce
This is the 3rd review for the RisingHy company out of Arizona. So far we did their Honey Mustard, their Habanero Olive Oil, and now their hot sauce. We also have one more called Devil Dust which we will post prior to Thanksgiving next week. So keep an eye out for that.
Once again we have the review in tact for the RisingHy reviews. In order we have the Schobergs, Derrick Wood, and the Missouri Boyz.
The Schobergs
Derrick Wood
The Missouri Boyz
(928) 853-3810
Facebook: CLICK ME
Ryan, you look like you got punched in the stomach when you ate this. I agree with you both. It was too runny and wasn’t for me. While we disagreed on the oil and mustard, I agree on this.
I tried this on chicken and some tacos. This sauce, in my opinion, really needs some r and d. I was hoping that putting it other foods would have changed my mind. But it didn’t. 🙁