UCCFS Round 3: Pizza (1) vs Steak (4)
Round 3 of the Ultimate Chilehead Comfort Throwdown has begun! I put this one up first because it is such an iconic foodie match-up. Who does not like either of these foods? Come on, Pizza and Steak! Think about your very best pizza and your very best steak and pick one. That is how you should vote today. Please share your thoughts and tell us why you voted for one over the other.
Check out the new re-seeded bracket: UCCFS Bracket
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Steak for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Stone cold dripping red on the inside, good char marks on the outside. #1!!!
Then you can slice it up and add it to my pizza slice. :chef:
You descibed it perfect Jim! All 3 meals. Rare inside char on the out. Can’t beat a steak!
can’t handle the dripping red! a little pink…otay. prefer my steak well done.