UCCFS Round 3: Burgers (2) vs Spaghetti & Meatballs (3)
The Ultimate Chilehead Comfort Food Showdown is back! What better way to get back into it with a huge match-up like this one. We have the number one bbq grilled food vs the number one Italian favorite food. Kids and adults can embrace these two meals as what is truly the epitome of comfort. This is a hard one for me, as I love these two dishes very very much and it is hard to see one of them kicked to the curb. What do you think? Tell us how you voted and why.
Check out the new re-seeded bracket: UCCFS Bracket
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It’s hard to beat a good burger. I could eat them every day if it wouldn’t kill me, and so versatile.
I like pasketti but would much rather have a good burger!