REVIEW: Hellfire Hot Sauce – Evil Bastard Sauces’ Extreme Heat
This is the 3rd of 4 reviews we are doing for Hellfire Hot Sauce. The other 2 products had some of the hottest peppers in the world in it, and this one is no different. You can see the other reviews below by clicking onto each one. When you throw in the words “Extreme Heat” into the mix, well then I can imagine that this particular sauce just might be a tad spicier than the previous too. I am sure the review team will fill us in on the heat level. Our squad of reviewers for these reviews is Steve Chambers, Steve “The Machine” Smallwood, and Ryan Graub.
1- Devil’s Gold
2- First Blood
Steve Chambers
Steve “The Machine” Smallwood
Ryan Graub
Hellfire Hot Sauce
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