7TH Annual Disc-It Round Up
Its that time of the year again folks time to raise some money for the children this is the 7th Annual Disc-It Round Up. This is an amazing event that helps raise money for the UNM Children’s Hospital.
The Montoya Family has been hosting this event from day one a charity that is near and dear to their hearts last year they raised close to 112,00.00 and we would love to see them raise twice that much this year so come out and help support this amazing cause.
60 booths cooking up some awesome food, auction and silent auction one price gets you in come and check it out.
For those of you who cant make it out and would like to donate check out www.discit.com click on disc-it round up for all the information you need. Or you can email Lou Duran at lo**********@gm***.com for any guestions you might have.
The iloveitspicy team will be out there cooking again this year so come out and vote for your favorite team hope to see everyone out there
Here is a cool commercial to help promote the round up.