REVIEW: Voodoo Chile – Porcus Infernum

porcus infernum
According to our customers, this is the world’s BEST bacon hot sauce, bar none!

We certainly don’t expect you to simply take our word for it, nor that of our rabid fans. Try some for yourself and if you don’t like it, then stuff it in a box, ship it back, and we will refund your original purchase AND the return shipping; NO questions asked. (1)

We at Voodoo Chile Sauces & Salsa have been making sauces, marinades and salsa since the 1980’s but it wasn’t until the summer of 2010 that our head sauceologist, Voodoo, had an encounter that ignited his inner mad scientist into action, and for two long years (and countless gallons of failed attempts discarded) he obsessed over the challenge to craft a sauce worthy of the name synonymous with the beloved candy of the gods … bacon!

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