Heart Breaking Dawns- Test Batch Jolokia Brownies

Johnny and Nicole of Heartbreaking Dawns knew I was a fan of the brownies they made for CaJohn’s Open House back in February. So they were nice enough to send me a sample pack of their newest brownie creation- the Jolokia Brownie! Well I am not sure what they are going to call it, but maybe, “The World’s Hottest Brownie” might be a good name.

They wanted my opinion which of the 3 samples they sent me were the best. I brought in my roomie and beef jerky cartoonist Sean to help me with my decision making. Of course, at the time I did not know that the brownies would contain the bhut jolokia, the world’s hottest pepper. Sean, not much of a chilehead in any shape or way did his best to voice his opinion and get a sample of the 3 brownies down the gullet. Let’s just say I think Sean loves milk even more now. I will give Sean a free plug for his brave efforts at his Photobucket picture link: CLICK ME. If you need a cartoon for something, give Sean a shout out he does some funny work. Check him out.

Sean had to take a milk break in the middle of our tasting, so we had to extend the video a little passed the YouTube allowed minimum of 10 minutes. I think it is worth it. So here we are sampling the new Heartbreaking Dawn test batch brownies which will debut at Peppers at the Beach on May 15-16. Contact info can be found below the video.

    Part 1

    Part 2

Heartbreaking Dawns

Heartbreaking Dawns
PO Box 259
Rosendale, NY 12472
phone: 845-658-2003
email: Jo****@He****************.com
Website: www.heartbreakingdawns.com

5 thoughts on “Heart Breaking Dawns- Test Batch Jolokia Brownies

  • April 19, 2010 at 9:36 am

    I had the pleasure of tasting one of these brownies when Heartbreaking Dawns included one with my recent order. I loved it!! I want more!!:)~

  • April 19, 2010 at 10:24 am

    Thanks Buddah and THANK YOU Sean for your participation, I have a feeling he just might be a chilehead in the making. Nicole and I are glad you liked them and I am a fan of Level 2 as well. Looks like it’s time to schedule that run in a few weeks so we a sure to bring the fresh brownie heat down to Peppers! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

  • April 19, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    aw, I feel so bad for sean he looks so uncomfortable! You guys should branch off into comedy skits.

  • April 19, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    So that wasn’t supposed to be funny? 🙄

    I would say Buddah, don’t talk with your mouthful but…..that wouldn’t work. 🙂

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