25th Annual Fiery Food & BBQ Show Diary- Preshow & some Day 1 pics part 1

Sam in Flame Suit at FFS

I can’t sleep thinking about this show. I still have not packed, and I leave tomorrow a few hours after work. I will pack then. What is the hurry? It is going to be beautiful weather during the day, 50’s-60’s, but in the 20-30’s at night. I am thinking of 1 sweatshirt/jacket and a bunch of t-shirts. Maybe some shorts might make the journey. Am I going to the Caribbean or the high elevation of Albuddahquerque, New Mexico? This is my 6th straight trip to the big show. It might be my last for a while since I like the fun events that the other shows bring, and this show while has it’s moments is a busy and tiring time for the vendors. It is hard for them to get into hangout mode when all they want to do is get off their feet and relax. Enter the Nativo Lodge. It is that place where people from the show hang. No big activity, no karaoke, no big dinner, just some alcohol and a jacuzzi if you are so inclined.

I will bring you the pics for the day, each day as long as I do not have any internet issues from my netbook. I might shoot some videos, but I probably will keep that end of my trip light. I come to spread the word about my site, my great review team and the upcoming spicy cooking contest. Oh yeah, the coming of the new ILIS relaunch. I will save that when I know more about the date in which we will actually do this. Which I hope to learn before I head out on my trip. So even if I type this in VA, I might know the situation as I enter the Sandia Resort & Casino for the event. I look forward to seeing some of my friends as well, and not just the makers, but chileheads who are attending. Xero from Xerarch’s Salsa and ILIS reviewer Fiber Joe. Not sure who else is going. I had a couple of people back out as my roommate this week, including hours before I am to fly out. Not happy about spending more on my stay than what was intended, but I guess I got to make my best of it. Make lemons into lemonade as they say.

Besides my website, there will be live coverage with the EatMoreheat team throughout the 3 day event so look for them on UStream.com by clicking HERE. I might be making an appearance so look out for that. Until then look out for the pics here over the weekend.

Day 1- Trying to post something for you real fast for you pics-wise and get back to the hangout session downstairs in the hotel lobby. So here is a mix of some preshow pics, food, and show stuff. I will be back for more later as time permits. Enjoy…

5 thoughts on “25th Annual Fiery Food & BBQ Show Diary- Preshow & some Day 1 pics part 1

  • February 28, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    Looking forward to seeing you on the EMH Ustream! Bring some class to that show, will ya?

  • February 28, 2013 at 6:18 pm

    really look forward to knocking on your hotel room at 4am wearing nothing but a bellpepper

  • March 1, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    No Karaoke? Sorry, Johnny, Adam and myself are gonna have to pass….

  • March 4, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    I had a great time seeing everyone. It was a great show. Had a blast hanging out with Al and fiber Joe at his house. excellent bbq.

  • March 12, 2013 at 10:09 pm

    The show kicked ass! Super fun as always. How do I get a print of the cartoon?

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